Established in 2005, McCauley & Associates, P.C., is a certified public accounting firm that provides full caging, accounting, treasury and reporting services for a large variety of political reporting entities, including Congressional and Senate campaigns, PACS, State and Local parties or candidate committees as well as other political entities including 527 and 501 (c)(4) organizations.
All services provided by McCauley & Associate are managed by professionals, who have accumulated many years of experience providing high quality political accounting services to clients. Our backgrounds include national firm experience and training, in addition to extensive experience with our own firm. We offer a full range of professional accounting services to meet the changing needs of our clients in both national and regional marketplaces, including filing of all IRS regulatory forms for client organizations such as 8871, 8872 and 990 forms.
Founded in 2005, McCauley & Associates was created to escape the traditional, big accounting firm environment enabling us to better serve our political clients. Our accounting firm consists of two partners, three professional staff members, and one support staff member.
Fully licensed for practice as Certified Public Accountants in the State of Utah, McCauley & Associates does not discriminate against any individual based on race, religion, sex, color, age, disability or national origin.